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Industrial & Commercial Fencing Guide With Images
Steel Palisade Fencing
Tripple Point Steel Palisade Fencing & Gates - Extremely strong and durable; very high security tripple pointed pales.
Single Point Steel Palisade Fencing - Same as tripple point palisade but has a single point pale.
Round Top Palisade Fencing - Palisade fencing with rounded pales which makes it a less dangerous; often used in schools or public places.
Round & Notched Top Palisade Fencing - Same as round top palisade but also has notches in the top of the pale; basically a design variation.
Maximum Security Palisade with Razor Wire or Barbed Wire - Palisade with razor wire or barbed wire above.
Welded Wire Mesh Fencing
358 Maximum Security Wire Mesh Fencing - Maximum security wire mesh fencing for industrial or commercial applications.
358 Profiled Maximum Security Wire Mesh Fencing - Extra maximum security with pressed profiled sections extra resistant to climbing.
Paladin Profiled Wire Mesh Fencing System - One of the most commonly used wire mesh fence systems; combines security with aesthetics.
Twin 868 Flat Weldmesh Fencing. - For ball courts and sports grounds because of it's strength and rebound properties.
Cerca Profiled welded Wire Mesh Fencing System. - Most cost effective mesh fencing system.
424 Profiled welded Wire Mesh Fencing System - Very similar to Paladin mesh but with a slightly different design.
Steel Railings [AKA Iron Railings or Metal Railings]
Vertical Bar Railings - A more attractive alternative to mesh or palisade, though more expensive.
Vertical Bar Railings with Finials - An even more attractive alternative to mesh or palisade, though even more expensive.
Bow Top Safety Railings - Increasingly used in schools, parks, and other public places because of it's safety features.
Bespoke Steel Railings - Steel railings fabricated to any specification.
Tangorail Fencing - Hollow tube railing system that can be used, from stock, to follow most gradients; popular because it's easy to install.
Pedestrian Guard Rail [Also used as metal fencing]
Letterbox Pedestrian Guard Rail - To form a barrier between pedestrians and vehicles; used on roads, bus stops, crossings etc.
Bar Infill Pedestrian Guard Rail - Bar Infill Pedestrian Guard Rail - Same as letterbox guard rail; slight variation on design [see photos].
Industrial & Commercial Wooden Fencing
Close Board Feather Edge - Solid privacy fencing with pleasing appearance; often used as acoustic fencing for its noise reducing properties.
Post & Rail Fencing - Uncomplicated wooden fencing to mark boundries etc.; often used in country parks and woodland..
Post & Rail with Pales - Combines security with aesthetics, and lets strong winds through with less pressure on the fencing.
Temporary Wooden Hoarding - Cheap form of privacy fencing, used to temporarily enclose building or mothballed sites.
Birds Mouth Knee Rail Fencing - Usually no more than a couple of ft high; used around car parks, parking areas, or to mark boundries.
Miscillaneous Fence, Gate, & Perimiter Security
Concrete Bollards
Retractable Steel Bollards
Iron Bollards - Traditional.
Palstic Traffic Bollards - Low maintenance.
Swing Gate Barriers - Used for vehicle access control.
Chainlink Fencing - Multi Purpose Woven Mesh Fence.
Tubular Hand Rail - Pedestrian hand rail.
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